Bereaved Parent Support – BAH!

For the life of me I cannot get into the Christmas spirit. I keep trying but not much success. Tree is up, house is decorated, some gifts purchased, menus planned etc. etc. but quite frankly, I’m just going through the motions.

I am missing Kenneth and my Mom terribly this year. Damn grief.

The lead up to Christmas is excruciating.

Has made me think that Ebonizer might have been onto something … 😉 !


BAH humbug is right Mr. Scrooge!


4 thoughts on “Bereaved Parent Support – BAH!

  1. Pingback: The Holidays are No Time for the Bereaved « Phoenix Rising

  2. Rachel Dayhuff

    I had 2 ‘awesome sons’.David,b.1962-murdered in 1994=Derek,b.1964 died from a seizure May 2013.I will never recover from this

    1. Tiffani

      I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved sons. I don’t think any of us recover or “get over” the loss of our children. You don’t have to. How can you when your love is so great? Take care and feel free to email me anytime.

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